Hands at Work (HAW) in Africa is a Christian non-profit organization working in vulnerable communities across sub-Saharan Africa where HIV/AIDS, poverty, and orphans are highest and support structures are very low.
In 2014 Roger joined Hands at Work as a volunteer in Kitwe, Zambia. Visiting the most vulnerable children in Zambia, who typically have very little if any support, Roger was not only impacted by the Zambian HAW careworkers’ mission, but also felt a deep connection with the children who so desperately need love and protection. Serving side-by-side with the careworkers, he became friends with them and witnessed how the careworkers were giving all they had and wished they could give more.
Inspired by the Zambian caseworkers and impacted by the experience, Roger created the sponsorship material for HAW by using his photographic and written journals as narrative.
ClientHands at WorkServices Design, Conceptualization, Art Direction, Photography, Imagery, Look-and-Feel, Collateral